
《國際博物館協會行銷與公關委員會2014年會論文選集》Selected Papers from the ICOM MPR 2014 Conference


博物館無論大小或資源多少,都需要藉由品牌建構找到自我的獨特價值,讓博物館在變動的21世紀重新定義自己。博物館也藉由品牌行銷(brand marketing)達到品牌建立(branding)的目的。

臺灣很榮幸在2014年9月2-5日主辦了ICOM MPR 2014 年會,以「博物館品牌建構:重新定義21世紀的博物館(Museum Branding: Redefining Museums for the 21st Century)」為題,齊聚探討新世紀的博物館因應瞬息萬變的世界,如何與時俱進,在當代社會中更清楚自身的角色,符合不同觀眾的需要,創造更大的價值。時任ICOM MPR主席Marjo-Riitta Saloniemi女士公開表示,2014臺灣年會是該委員會歷年參與人數最多、也最成功的一次。


主編 辛治寧
國際博物館協會行銷與公關委員會 副主席
中華民國博物館學會 常務理事




Museum Branding: Redefining Museums for the 21st Century
Selected Papers from the ICOM MPR 2014 Conference

Regardless of the amount of resources museums possess and museums of all sizes, they must clarify their identities via branding and redefine themselves for the 21st century. In the meantime, museums achieve the goal of branding by engaging in brand marketing.

Taiwan hosted the ICOM MPR 2014 Conference on September 2 and 5, 2014. During the conference, more than 180 participants shared their ideas and experiences on the topic of museum branding as they gave keynote speeches, paper presentations, flash sessions, and cultural excursions. The conference compiled various penetrating insights regarding museum branding as well as outstanding case studies worthy to be shared with all museums. This ultimately led to the publication of this book.

The book contains 10 captivating articles written by a total of 17 authors and is something that readers will enjoy perusing closely. The book also features multiple museum cases from Taiwan, which can help readers understand the professional development and outlook of Taiwanese museums. The book was published by the Chinese Association of Museums in Taiwan in 2015. Now, welcome colleagues free access for reading its digital version.


Joy Chih-Ning Hsin
Editor in chief

Click to Website➤➤ Museum Branding: Redefining Museums for the 21st Century