



❉ 活動內容介紹

主講人| 加拿大魁北克大學蒙特婁分校博物館學程主任珍妮佛·卡特 (Prof. Jennifer Carter)

地點| 國家人權博物館遊客中心2樓視聽室

時間| 10月22日下午14:10-16:30

名額| 本活動開放一般民眾免費參與 (採線上報名,若未額滿,開放現場報名)


❉ 講座內容簡介

Between memory and action: Human rights museums in theory and praxis

This lecture considers the contemporary rise of human rights museums in different geopolitical contexts around the globe. Situating this museological phenomenon within the broader framework of a post-1970s human rights and humanitarian regime, the presentation draws on field research conducted in human rights museums in Japan, Taiwan, Chile, Paraguay, Colombia (in planning) and Canada, and considers the political contexts from which these museums have emerged, as well as the museographical approaches these institutions have taken. As a growing number of museums are exploring the human rights-museology nexus, an analysis of their possibilities and their limits, and of their narrative, interpretive and programming strategies is instructive for understanding how human rights museums have responded in different ways to the conjuncture of these two fields.

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