


Dreaming Green : Modern Nature Writing in Taiwan


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Nature writings elicit the rational construct and affective outcomes that underpin the relationship between humanity and the natural environment. These writings bridge literature and the natural sciences through a synthesis of literary form, applied scientific knowledge, and actual experience in nature. Writers in this multidisciplinary genre are more than simply armchair observers and philosophers. They strike out to experience nature for themselves and often proactively pursue environmental and other social activist causes.

Since setting roots in Taiwan, this literary genre has developed a distinctly local character. Taiwanese nature writings, most often presented in essay, novel, or poetic form, richly reflect their authors’ respect and love for nature and the land. This literary genre has seen significant development and growth during the past three decades. Its evolving richness and depth has benefitted from the expansive scope of its subject matter as well as from contemporary environmental ethics, the persistent flouting of ecological sustainability, and the pressing need to raise public concern and encourage activism. Although modern social development as a whole continues to denigrate the ecological sustainability of our world, writers continue to challenge us to think, investigate, and act in order to create a more equitable and sustainable solution for all life on planet Earth.

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❉ 連絡人及電話
國立臺灣文學館 展示教育組 程先生 06-2217201#2310

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開放時間:星期二 至 星期日 09:00~18:00
星期一 休館 (如遇颱風期間,依台南市政府公布停班標準,齊東詩舍依台北市政府停班標準,配合休館;其餘休館時間依官網公告為主。)