


❉ 展覽內容:

Stories Told Through Mother’s Hands –Children’s Textile and Embroidery Arts
Textiles often tell a story much more complex and emotionally-wrought than what history records. The reason is because it is relegated to women’s work, which, unlike wars and the metal weapons that fight them, or the stone columns that build city walls, traditional women’s work (cooking, sewing, child-rearing) is not often officially recorded. And yet, there is so much embedded within the designs and fibers and techniques in textiles that help tell the full picture of a time, a culture, a family.
When designing and creating clothing for children, mothers used it as an opportunity to imbue the threads with powers of protection and hopes for the child’s bright future. Imagine the time and painstaking effort it took for mothers to weave and embroider these articles of clothing – there would have been a meditative quality to this series of thoughtful and repetitive actions, a kind of magic encoding of her fierce love for her child. mother’s love is the fundamental force that sustains life and propels it forward. It is a story told through the fibers of traditional and modern children’s textile.




❉ 展覽時間:
2019年3月1日─9月22日 週二至週日 10:00-18:00(週一休館)

❉ 地點:

❉ 連絡人:
02-2891-2318 # 108

❉ 活動網址:



北投文物館 http://www.beitoumuseum.org.tw
開放時間:週二~週日10:00 ~ 17:30 (週一休館,遇假日照常開放)
服務電話:02-2891-2318 ext.9